Positive Interaction

Over the last year I have found myself bogged down dealing with my company’s most difficult clients. You know the ones that are quick to point out your mistakes and seem to be waiting for you to mess up to call you out. Those clients and their “concerns” are a large part of what I do. And over time the cumulative effect has worn on me. Jon Gordon has some great tips on being a positive leader and suggests:

“High performing teams have more positive interactions than negative interactions. 3:1 is the ratio to remember. Teams that experience interactions at a ratio equal or greater than 3:1 are more productive and higher performing than those with a ratio of less than 3:1. Teams that have a ratio of 2:1, 1:1 or more negative interactions than positive interactions become stagnant and unproductive.”

So this year I have started reaching out to our happy, excited clients. You know the ones that sing your praises, recommend you to others, are quick to forgive a little mistake. I am finding ways to reward them, make them more happy. These positive interactions are not only helping my attitude, but growing business.

Too many times we spend all of our time focusing on the complaint driven, vocal minority and how we can help them. Don’t forget to focus on your all-star clients. Your time will be well rewarded and your happiness will be too!

It is Personal!

Great Blog post by Brian de Haffe over at LinkedIn on how businesses should not ask their employees to remove the “personal” from their work.  Also the importance of remembering that “it is business and it is personal”.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy to remove personal from business is damaging to employees and colleagues.  Great read below…

It is personal

Do you ever lose sleep over what happens at work or have arguments that you replay over and over again in your head? You might call me sensitive, but I think one of the greatest lies told about business is that “it’s not personal.” Of course it’s personal if people are involved because they speak and write and listen and see. If people are an organization’s most important asset why do we try to convince them that they are just a bunch of wires and stuff?


A number of companies ago before I started Aha!, our investors decided to replace the first CEO with someone “experienced.” [This is a pattern that seems to repeat itself over and over again in technology companies — typically to the detriment of the company and ultimately the investors themselves]. The new CEO came in and repeated over and over again for a few weeks that “it’s just business and not personal.”

The CEO then whacked most of the management team that was performing reasonably well. Once that was done he spent the majority of his time getting his pilot’s license, learning to fly, and talking about building a “lifestyle company.”

I know it was personal when my colleagues explained to their spouses and kids that they had been fired and what could be more selfish than canning folks to build a lifestyle company?

He made it a year before the board fired him. You can guess what happened next. He sent out a rant email to the surviving management team that he had been wronged. I guess it was not just business — it was personal. I learned a lot that year.

Of course he felt the effects of being fired. It hurt. This is why it’s ludicrous that when things go well we celebrate the people who showed “great personal sacrifice” or “put the business ahead of themselves.” But when something bad happens we are told it’s not personal. Managers typically reach for this line when they want to share bad news like:

  • You are not getting that promotion
  • Your project is being cancelled
  • You failed to meet your MBOs
  • You are being forced to do something you don’t agree with

The reality is that every organization is in the business of people. And every job is personal for every employee for a few key reasons.

We work for a higher purpose
Working is not the end game. We all toil to achieve goals that are beyond the act of effort. Supporting our family, helping people be well, solving a science challenge, or teaching young people math are all meaningful outcomes that we might strive for. The time and energy that we put in on a day-to-day basis is what we must do to realize our aspirations. It’s our aspirations that move us forward and make work personal.

To create is human
Our aspirations come from within and the actions we take to chase them make us human. One of our greatest gifts as humans is that we have the capacity to dream of a better world and build our way to it. The thoughts we have lead to words we speak and sentences we write. The greatest advancements in every industry have been driven by those with unique talent and the willingness to work tirelessly to solve problems differently.

We build relationships
Most of us spend more time working than doing anything else. And we spend that time with others who we interact with, depend on, and develop connections with. Workplace relationships are unique interpersonal connections with important implications for individuals and the organizations that employ them. Studies show that workplace relationships directly affect our ability to succeed and our likelihood of staying at our current company. The relationships we develop are inherently personal.

If you have ever watched the classic movie “The Godfather” you will remember a famous quote from Michael Corleone (Al Pacino): “It’s not personal Sonny, it’s strictly business.” And you will remember that it definitely was more than just about the work. The same is true in every company and for everyone person who earns a paycheck — our aspirations, efforts, and interactions mean something to us and others.

Work is the act of the body and mind moving towards a goal. And at its best it’s a creative pursuit which is often characterized by seeing the world and problems in new ways. It’s fundamentally a human endeavor which makes it utterly personal. Thinking and producing are what humans do and it’s impossible to completely separate that from the connections we make and the emotions we feel.

We will all be happier if we remember that it’s business AND it’s personal.

When was the last time someone told you “it’s just business?”


About Brian and Aha!

Brian seeks business and wilderness adventure. He has been the founder or early employee of six cloud-based software companies and is the CEO of Aha! — the new way to create brilliant product strategy and visual roadmaps. Signup for a free trial and see why the world’s leading product and engineering teams use Aha! to build software that matters.

Follow Brian @bdehaaff

Follow Aha! @aha_io

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Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

-Albert Einstein

My goal for 2014 is to create value.  I think of value as your unique strength.  Too many times in the day-to-day operations of business I get caught up in the small stuff–paperwork, answering email, reacting to latest issue or problem.  Don’t get me wrong, these are all important for my projects/business to run smoothly.  But when you spend too much time greasing the wheels and not enough time driving are you sufficiently leading your team?

I feel like I bring the most value when I am able to step back and evaluate our programs, processes, and policies; when I research and provide useful data and information ; and when I help customers and team members accomplish their goals.  I spend a few minutes at the beginning of each month creating my “Value” goals for the month.  I make them specific and relevant.  Also because one of my overall “Value” items is to help others, I try to ask everyone on the team every single day, “What can I do to help you today?”

From business-to-business, position-to-position, value is created differently.  Ask yourself, “How do I create the most value for my business/team?”  The unique strength you bring to the team is why you were hired, why you were successful.  Use it!